Bridgeman Artist



Marcelo Brodsky (1954) lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina An artist and political activist, Marcelo Brodsky was forced into exile in Barcelona following General Videla’s coup in Argentina in 1976. He studied economics at the University of Barcelona as well as photography at the Centre Internacional de Fotografia (Barcelona). During his stay in Spain, he took photographs that immortalized the psychological state of an expatriate. In 1984, when the military dictatorship was over, he went back to Argentina and began his project Buena Memoria, a visual essay that deals with the collective memory of the years under the dictatorship inspired by the emotions and personal experiences of those who lived through it. Situated on the border between installation, performance, photography, monument and memorial, his pieces blend text and images, often using figures of speech. This essay has been shown more than 140 times in public spaces as well as institutions such as the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires in 2010, the Pinacoteca do Estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil, in 2011 or the Sprengel Museum in Hannover, in 2007.



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